
Kto wołał - Who was yelling


Strona 10

Kto wołał: „Ukrzyżuj Go”? Gdzie był wtedy
Jego przyjaciel Łazarz,
młodzieniec z Naim ze swoją matką,
trędowaci, paralitycy, chromi, których
uzdrowił. Gdzie byli ci, których nakarmił
chlebem. Gdzie były te setki i tysiące, które
przez trzy lata słuchały Go,
szły za Nim, cisnęły się do Niego, nie dawały Mu
chwili wytchnienia. Gdzie byli ci, którzy
przed trzema dniami, gdy wjeżdżał do Jerozolimy, rozścielali
pod Jego stopy swoje szaty i
rzucali gałęzie palmowe.
A może to i oni także wołali:
„Ukrzyżuj Go”.


Page 10

Who was yelling “Crucify Him”? Where was then
His friend Lazarus,
where was a young man from Naim and his mother,
where were the lepers, the paralytics, the crippled whom
He had healed. Where were those to whom He had given
bread. Where were those hundreds and thousands who
had listened to Him for three years,
who had followed Him, crowded around Him, hadn’t given Him a moment to breathe. Where were those who
three days before, when He was entering Jerusalem, had spread
their garments under His feat and
who had been throwing palm branches.

Maybe they were also yelling:
“Crucify Him”.